LEED - Copper is a Green Building Product!Copper is a valuable building product and 100% recyclable which helps reduce landfill waste. The following information comes from the Revere Copper website. Revere Copper is one of our most important business partners:
Statement of Recycled Content (Updated 10/11/07)
This is to certify that all Revere's architectural copper sheet, strip and coil are made in conformance to ASTM B 370 – Standard Specification for Copper Sheet and Strip for Building Construction. Revere EverGreen™ Pre-patinated copper is made to both ASTM B370 and ASTM B882 - Specification for Pre-Patinated Copper for Architectural Applications.
This is to further certify that Revere's standard and pre-patinated architectural coppers – Classic Copper and EverGreen – contain 90% to 95% recycled copper. A portion of the tin/zinc alloy coating on Revere FreedomGray™ is recycled material but, since the percent varies Revere certifies the recycled content of 16-ounce FreedomGray is 82.5% to 87.2%; the recycled content of 20-ounce FreedomGray is 84.0% to 88.6%. All Revere architectural coppers are made from “number 1, bare-bright” scrap only. Coated wire and/or other materials that emit VOC's or similar compounds are never used during melting or fabrication (rolling).
The recycled copper Revere uses to produce its architectural coppers is obtained from both industrial sources (i.e. wire mills, metal stamping and fabricating plants, etc.) and metal scrap dealers who have satisfied Revere's quality control standards.
Market conditions dictate when and where recyclable copper is available. Nevertheless, well over 75% of this material is obtained from sources within 500 miles of our plant. Most of these facilities are located in NY, PA, MA, CT, RI, & Southern Ontario. Smaller amounts of copper are obtained from facilities in Southern Maine, New Hampshire, plus the “manufacturing belt” that encompasses Detroit, Toledo, and Cleveland. Due to the competitive nature of the scrap copper market we cannot disclose individual locations (or cities) from which we obtain copper.
Depending upon market conditions the exact percentage of recycled copper and mix of post-consumer and post-industrial material will vary. Since market conditions vary constantly Revere cannot accurately identify the ratio of post-consumer to post-industrial copper in a given order. Therefore, Revere uses the conservative position that its copper contains only post-industrial material.
All Revere's architectural sheet copper is made in Rome, NY.approximately 95 miles west of Albany, NY.
For technical assistance or additional information, please call Revere's Architectural Services Department at (800) 448-1776, extension 2474.
Or contact Chris Industries at 800-356-7922
Testimonials You should be very proud of the copper caps you fabricated. Those things turned out beautiful. And, you delivered them when you promised.
They were installed this morning and fit perfectly. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate for pictures but I have attached several for you to look at. When we get sun and blue sky I will forward better ones.
It was a pleasure working with you and we look forward to future business with Chris Industries. Tough to find good companies now a days and will highly recommend you folks in the future.
Thanks again for your efforts. I really appreciate the fabrication you did.
Bill xxxxx VP - Bill Perry